Former Residence of Kubota family

The old house of Kubota family is the tradesmen’s house, built in the end of Edo era, and the first, it was draper, and in Meiji era, they changed to brewing industry and in the middle of Meiji era, it was the peak. In the Meiji era, it was used also for accommodation for important persons who came to Hagi. The building consists of the main building, detached room, storehouse and gate, and it is re-created by the figure which is in the middle of the Meiji era.

[ Access ]
It is across Kiku-ya. Or 2 minutes on foot from the bus stop “Hagi-hakubutsukan-mae” the line “Maaru bus” clock wise (Shisaku).
[ Hours ]
9:00~17:00(sightseeing guide is permanently stationed.)
[ Fees ]
100 yen
[ Closed ]
open everyday
[ Links(Japanese) ]
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