Takijiri to Chikatsuyu Course

Distance: 14km from Takijiri bus stop of Ryujin Bus or Meiko Bus
Altitude difference: 600m
Time: 6 hours (Takijiri to takahara: 2 hours, Takahara to Chikatsuyu: 4 hours)
Course: Upslope from Takijiri is steep. You do not have to worry to be at a loss since the signpost is maintained, but the solid shoes and stick are necessary. The course from Takijiri to Takahara is relatively easy. Rest station of Takahara is good for a break. It has good view, and vending machine of the drink. In addition, you can have a meal and coffee in "Kirinosato Takahara".

[ Access ]
Getting off at Takijiri bus stop
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