
In Hakodate that opened the door abroad quickly as first Japanese international trade port, a trace of the foreign country culture that flowed is seen in those days in many places of the town. You use a streetcar and the BUS well and should enjoy visiting European-style buildings and a port town. I take the time in one of varied slowly, and the highlight including the night view from a Local Speciality Dish morning market and Mt. Hakodate will visit it, too.

What to see

Sabo Kikuizumi

The tea shop which approximately just uses the building of the liquor wholesale dealer built in 1921...

Hakodate-shi Former U.K. Consulate

A British consulate destroyed by fire was rebuilt in 1913 (Taisho 2) by a fire and was renewed as pa...

Hakodate Kaisen Ichiba Honten

The big shop in the neighbor of Hakodate-Meijikan. Fishery products landed first thing in the mornin...

Lucky Pierrot Bay Area Honten

A hamburger and curry are popular shops of Hakodate of the Local Speciality Dish. Popular name "rupp...

Kanamori Red Brick Warehouse

The facilities which reused the warehouse group which the Kumashiro Watanabe which ran warehouse bus...

Hakodate Takadaya Kahee Museum

Through marine transportation business and northern fishery, a footprint of the Takadaya Kahee which...